designer as cartographer
hi! i'm @amyleew
designer and navigator @mapbox
mapbox is: platform to design & build maps
Cartographer's Checklist:
- What is the purpose of the map?
- Who is the audience?
- What are the format and scale?
- How will the map be produced and reproduced?
Another key player in
map design...
what i talk about when i talk about
graphic design
giving visual form to an action, intention, or material object.
but maps serve a function
... isn't graphic design all about making things beautiful?
can't we have beauty and usability?
form = function
Elements of good design:
- Hierarchy
- Color/Texture
- Typography
- Narrative
Elements of good design:
- Hierarchy
- Color/Texture
- Typography
- Narrative
giving visual form to an action, intention, material object, or narrative.
inspiration == narrative;
Let's look at some examples:
Print possiblities
WebGL possiblities
space between print and screen
this is graphic design. for (m)any outcomes
Elements of good design:
- Hierarchy
- Color/Texture
- Typography
- Narrative
give visual form to an action, intention, material object, or narrative.
thank you.
happy mapping!