Mapbox wants to change the way people navigate cities and understand
our planet.
Mapbox does this by providing building blocks for integrating brand and location into any mobile or online app.
Turf.js advanced geospatial analysis for browsers and node.
Beautiful Basemaps mixing performance, science, and design with our smooth, fast vector maps that render data in real-time.
- Mapbox Streets - a complete basemap, perfect for incorporating your own custom data.
- Mapbox Outdoors - a general basemap tailored to hiking, biking, and sport.
- Mapbox Dark - simple, clean map with a dark backdrop. Well-suited for data visualizations.
- Mapbox Light - simple, clean map with a light backdrop. Well-suited for data visualizations.
- Mapbox Satellite - beautiful global satellite and aerial imagery layer.
- Mapbox Satellite Streets - global imagery enhanced with road and label hierarchy.
- Mapbox Traffic Day - traffic on a light streets basemap that highlights congestion.
- Mapbox Traffic Night - Traffic on a dark streets basemap that highlights congestion.
- Styles
- Tilesets
- Datasets
- Stats
- My access tokens
- Style background.
- Add and style water layer.
- Add and style road layer.
- Filter road layer.
- Add and style place labels.
- Filter place labels.
- Color
- Pattern/texture
- Typography
- Iconography
- Contrast
- Hierarchy
- Density
- Find colors for your map from
- DEMO: Apply color palatte into Studio.
- Download svg pattern
- Add pattern to your style.
- Navigate to Maki icon editor.
- Make and download a Maki icon set for your map.
- Add maki icons to your style.