turf.js which is an advanced geospatial analysis codebase for browsers and node.
Beautiful Basemaps that mix performance, science, and design into smooth, fast vector maps that render data in real-time.
Testing is a way to be generous to others and to respect and protect our time as a team.
Automated testing is our first line of defense from growing into a giant company with a dedicated QA department.
Unit testing is a process in which the smallest testable parts of an app, are individually and independently scrutinized for proper operation.
This allows developers to modify the source code without breaking the entire of the app.
- time-consuming and tedious
- demands patience and thoroughness from the entire team
- requires rigorously maintained docs
- tape – simple, awesome testing tools for JavaScript (node and browser)
- fs – offers functions support passing and receiving paths as both strings and Buffers
- spritezero – tool for bundling and creating your own sprites from a folder of svg's
- pixelmatch the smallest, simplest and fastest JavaScript pixel-level image comparison library
- pngjs – simple PNG encoder/decoder.
- glob – allows for patterns like ls *.js on the command line, or put build/* in a .gitignore file.
- path – module provides utilities for working with file and directory paths
- underscore – a js library that provides a whole mess of useful functional programming helpers without extending any built-in objects
Integration testing is a process in which program units are combined and tested in multiple ways.
This process includes tests designed to mimic scenarios encountered by users; both passing and failing.
Establish stylistic / cartographic rules, parse map styles at specific phases, store information, further tests it against expected pass and fail data fixtures.